Corine and George DukeDe vrouw van "Soulshow vriend" George Duke is gisteren na een lang ziektebed overleden aan kanker. Corine Duke en George Duke waren ruim 40 jaar getrouwd, één van de grote huwelijken uit de muziekwereld. We wensen George alle sterkte toe.

George reageerde op de overweldigende condoleances van vele fans van George:
First of all I would like to thank all of you for your sentiments during this time of great loss for my family! Having said that I hope you will understand when I say that Corine was not one who enjoyed the spotlight or pomp and circumstance. Therefore we will have a private immediate family only funeral service at Forest Lawn in North Hollywood on Tuesday July 24th 2:30pm at the Old North Church. You are certainly welcome to send flowers or any correspondence but I respectfully request that you not plan to attend in order to allow for my family to grieve in private. Personally I am OK though I can't stop weeping. I will come up for air eventually but please allow me time. The response to Corine's passing has been overwhelming and it is obvious that she was dearly loved by so many and for that I am proud and thankful. I love you all and will be my same old jolly self in the not too distant future - though I will NEVER forget this life altering moment and will never be the same again....George Duke

Hier het liedje "Corine" welke George Duke maakte over zijn mooie vrouw: 
{jumi [*9]}